The Grandy Family

The Grandy Family

About Me

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Gordon & Tahmi have been married since October 23rd 1999. We have 3 children, Mason is 16, Mayla is 9, and Jarrett is 6.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Long time no talk eh?

Hello! Yes, I'm still alive. I can't really say I have been busy.... same 'ol same 'ol. The computer was down for a week, then Gordon fixed it when he came home on the weekend, then that next week it was down again. Gordon had to crash it to get it up and running. HOWEVER, I had not saved all my pic.'s to a disc, so, I ended up losing about 500 pictures from the last few years. All I have left are the pic.'s on here, snapfish, myspace, and facebook.

Today is Gordon's birthday. We are going to Mike, & Alison's house for dinner, after that I'm not sure. Mayla starts basketball tomorrow morning. Mason is about 1/2 way through his season, and Jarrett.... well...... He's just going with the flow (as usual). The puppies are getting big (and more annoying). We only have 2 now, Dianna's; Cacajuete, and our puppy; Paris. We had to split them up because they were beating each other up, so now we have 2 kennels in the kitchen. I cant wait till the weather turns so they can be outside more. I'm sure the neighbors will love that! Speaking of neighbors..... The crazy man is gone!!! Yippee!

The diet is going pretty good. I have lost 25lbs since I started. Not really as much as I had hoped for at this point, but I have 3 more months till the wedding, so I'm being optimistic. As for the biggest loser contest with the sisters, I'm holding my own. That is over in 2 & 1/2 weeks, so I'm really trying to buckle down now so I can win the cash! I went over to Ashley & Nate's house last night. They have Wii fit, and I did a running game that was fun, and I won first place the first time I did it. Unfortunately Ashley is extremely competitive! So, she did it once and smoked my score (You suck Ash!!!) I was thinking that if I could go there a bit, then with her competitive nature, her & I could kick some serious butt!! Then when the wedding comes, I can wear her dress, she can wear Talia's, and Talia can wear mine. (LOL!! That was just for you Ashley!) ok that was mean, but seriously funny!

Anyhoo, nothing else really new. I colored my hair this week, and it's pretty close to my natural color... or what I remember my natural color to be. I'm picking Gordon up in about half an hour & I need to put the puppies back in the kennels, so I'll TTYL Hopefully I wont wait longer than a month this time.

1 comment:

The Sauls Family said...

You're computer was down for two weeks??!??! My internet was off for 8 hours and it was a nightmare. I couldn't even pay my bills without the computer!

And that is too sad about your pictures. There were some pictures that I had on my MySpace account that I lost when I deleted the account. I *thought* I had saved them to my computer, but they are no where to be found. :(

Congrats on the weight loss!