The Grandy Family

The Grandy Family

About Me

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Gordon & Tahmi have been married since October 23rd 1999. We have 3 children, Mason is 16, Mayla is 9, and Jarrett is 6.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The up-comming week....

Just a quick note....

This week Gordon should be home Thursday afternoon. I'm going to take the daycare kids to the 4-H fair this week. This weekend is the "adults only" camping trip. YIPPEE!! I cant wait, it has been forever since we've had an adults only trip. We're camping at Busch Gardens. So far the people that are going are... Dianna, Nate, Ashley, Mike S., Amber, Bremer, Alison, Gordon, me, and hopefully Jason, & Marissa. I'm trying to think of other people to invite, but these are the usual peeps that we hang with. So, for those of you reading this... You wanna go?
TTYL- Tahmi

1 comment:

Beckie said...

I'm jealous! A camping trip where I only have to take care of myself?
How was it?
We want lots of pics of the camping and the upcoming Mint Festival!!!!!