The Grandy Family

The Grandy Family

About Me

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Gordon & Tahmi have been married since October 23rd 1999. We have 3 children, Mason is 16, Mayla is 9, and Jarrett is 6.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cigarettes & Tampons

So, I'm reading the sisters blogs, and noticed on the side of Jennifer's blog, some woman jokes one of her peeps had posted. For women, not about women. Really funny stuff. My favorite goes something like this...

Husband sends his wife to the store to buy cigarettes. Wife returns with tobacco, & rolling papers, because it was cheaper that way.
The next day, the wife sends the husband to the store for tampons. Being lost, he was directed to the tampon aisle by a cashier.
He gets to the register and tosses down some cotton balls, and a ball of string. The cashier says I thought you were needing tampons?
Husband says It's cheaper this way, plus, if I have to roll mine, so does she.

Funny huh? I hope that brightens you day. It did mine.

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