The Grandy Family

The Grandy Family

About Me

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Gordon & Tahmi have been married since October 23rd 1999. We have 3 children, Mason is 16, Mayla is 9, and Jarrett is 6.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The puppies are here!

So, we stayed up REALLY late last night. Then, at 9:30 this morning, I was woken up by Mayla saying.. "mom, wake up Lucy had 6 puppies". I was hardly awake, and didn't really believe her, but had to check it out. I walked in her room, and this is what I saw....

Apparently some time last night, Lucy had pushed out the puppies, and cleaned the whole mess up herself. THANK YOU!!! And, thank goodness Mayla has plastic on her bed, just for my mentality. I had to wash the sheets anyways, just because... gross! Anyways, mommy is doing good, with 3 boys, and 3 girls. My kids each want one of their own. Yeah, I don't think so. This one is my favorite.....

1 comment:

Beckie said...

I'd totally take one off your hands, but I live too far away.
Darn. Sorry about that.
You guys will have a blast playing with them until they find their permanant homes.